Important Git Authentication Changes

 Important Git Authentication Changes

In our unwavering commitment to fortifying the security of our services, we are embarking on a transformative journey to redefine the way you authenticate while engaging with the Hugging Face Hub via Git. Effective from October 1st, 2023, we will no longer entertain the use of passwords as a viable means to authenticate your command-line Git operations. Instead, we advocate for the adoption of more impregnable authentication methods. These alternatives include substituting your password with a personal access token or employing the formidable shield of an SSH key.

Background Unveiled

In recent epochs, we have diligently executed a plethora of security augmentations. These enhancements encompassed the introduction of sign-in alerts and seamless support for SSH keys in Git. Nevertheless, we observed that users were still able to authenticate Git operations using their conventional username and password combination. In the relentless pursuit of heightened security, we now usher in an era where token-based or SSH key authentication becomes the gold standard. These avant-garde authentication methods proffer a host of benefits over the antiquated password approach. These advantages include the issuance of unique, revocable, and randomly generated access credentials that collectively bolster security and afford you enhanced control.

Immediate Imperatives

Should your present modus operandi involve using your HF account password to authenticate with Git, we kindly beseech you to effect a transition to the more secure alternatives of personal access tokens or SSH keys before the imminent arrival of October 1st, 2023.

Embracing Personal Access Tokens

To embark on this journey, the first step involves the creation of an access token tailored to your account. Detailed instructions on generating this essential credential can be found here: Link to Token Generation Guide.

With your newly minted access token in hand, you can recalibrate your Git repository with the following commands:

git remote set-url origin https://<user_name>:<token><user_name>/<repo_name>

git pull origin

Alternatively, if you are embarking on the creation of a new repository, you will have the opportunity to replace your password with this token when your Git credential manager requests authentication credentials.

Embracing SSH Keys

For those who prefer the robust security offered by SSH keys, our comprehensive guide is at your disposal. It will walk you through the process of generating an SSH key and seamlessly integrating it with your account: [SSH Key Generation Guide](

Once your SSH key is securely in place, you'll be empowered to update your Git repository through the following commands:

Code :
git remote set-url origin<user_name>/<repo_name>

This transformative shift in authentication methods signifies our unwavering dedication to the paramount importance of security. We encourage you to embark on this journey with us as we fortify the safeguards around your valuable data.


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